Staff prepares an individual Care Plan for each resident. This Care Plan identifies goals and the necessary plans for each resident to become as independent as possible in the facility and upon returning to the community. Our program is designed to foster independence, personal responsibility and improved relationships with family, peers and the community.
Bryn Mawr Care believes that all individuals have potential for growth and have the right to pursue that potential. Our promise is to provide psychosocial rehabilitation programs that are conducive to achieving individual goals. Some of the goals of our residents are: to find a good home, to find and keep a good job, maintain optimal health, build lasting relationships with family, to stay out of crisis situations.
Our programs have been carefully developed to assist adults with Mental Illness in achieving highest level of independence and functioning. Early detection and aggressive treatment is often the key to years of productive living.
Bryn Mawr Care’s objectives for a healthy lifestyle of an adult with Chronic Mental Illness are:
- Providing psychiatric treatment to maintain clinical stability
- Fostering the development of job readiness skills
- Enhancing social, leisure and recreational skills
- Supporting independent living skills
We believe that without the proper services and programs, the possibility exists that individuals with CMI will be returned to the State Mental Health Institutions.
If you are interested in learning more about our programs and services for your loved one please contact our Admissions Office at 773-561-7040